Friday, February 3, 2012

A little rant....

**Heads up, this is just MY opinion, I’m sure it will rub someone the wrong way, but when have I ever tried to sugar coat things like this? Get over it.**

I was listening to The Painful Circle this morning on X-96 and they were talking about divorce. A lady called in wondering about Alimony and child support payments. I don’t even know what they ended up telling her or what they told her was going to happen because I pulled in to work just as they started chatting about it. But it got my blood boiling that women can be so dependent on “spousal support” to live.

I’m divorced with two kids, (shocking, right?) there is nothing that irritates me more than women who drain their ex husbands bank accounts every month so that they can continue to live comfortably rather than going out and working to support THEIR children. TWO people made the decision to get married and have kids, not one. ONE person should not support the children.  Things HAVE TO CHANGE once a divorce happens. (Girls,  you may actually have to take the sweat pants off and get out of the house and get one of those “job” thingy’s…) I understand CHILD support and completely agree with it. Obviously if the husband was bringing in all of the income, the wife is going to have to have help…FOR THE KIDS!!

I find a sense of accomplishment and independence that I’ve been able to get myself into a house, find a great paying job, pay my own bills, pay off some debts and still have some money each month to let the boys have some play time. {side note…..I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have help from my parents to get me to this point, so here’s a little shout out to them. You guys are AMAZING!!}

The majority of my “accomplishments” have all been done, with very, I repeat VERY little child support and absolutely NO ALIMONY!! Why should both my ex and I struggle each month to make ends meet? What does that do for the kids? Oh, I know, it makes THEM suffer!! I’d rather the ex (who I really don’t give a rats for) be able to take my kids to do fun things or be able to buy them that video game they’ve been begging for, instead of draining his bank account each month because he has to pay me alimony.

It’s my hope that later in life my kids will be grateful for the fact that I busted my a-double-s to provide for them, and have an appreciation for the fact I didn’t exhaust all of their dads money so that I could afford to have a few luxuries or pay my house payment each month. I did it all. BY MYSELF!

To tie up this little rant about lazy women who depend on their ex husbands, here’s a little food for thought: Grow some lady balls, and get things done without depending on that ex husband to pay for your lifestyle.



  1. I agree completely. I know someone and I won't even say how I know them but they use their child support to fuel their hobby lobbly addiction. Really sad that none of that money goes to the kids.

    On a happier note, I love your blog. It's hilarious!

  2. Get it girl!! You are amazing and wonderful and more ladies should take note. Maybe you should run for president. I would vote for you.

  3. Write me in as your presidential election this year. Tell your friends! Lets make it happen!
