Friday, May 13, 2011

I could sale a ketchup popsicle to a woman wearing white gloves!

I started this blog because I had come to the point in my life where I decided I was virtually going nowhere in life in terms of a "career." I've spent the last couple of years as an accounting clerk. I'm about as good with numbers as Kirsty Alley is at weight loss! 

I had high hopes of some rich and famous person stumbling across my blog and paying me to write witty and pointless blog posts for their entertainment. I'm still holding out for this. However I've ventured into the world of sales for now. 

I can't really say I'm good at this new job, only being two weeks in to it, but I can say that I'm a better sales rep than accountant. You see, in accounting, there's a lot of hard work, a lot of focus, and a lot of dedication that has to go into your day. With sales, I'm on a call for a few minutes, they either say yes or no, and I'm on to the next person. It's the perfect job for my length of attention span!!

I can't guarantee I'm going to be the best sales woman my job will ever see, but what I can guarantee is this: I will always alway ALWAYS put in a solid 78% at work! And once this blog thing goes viral, I'll put in a little less.... I won't quit though, I need the insurance!

{side note to avoid termination: I really do love my new job and vow to put in 99%, 87% of the time! Nobody likes an overachiever.} 

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